Straight Talk about Cosmetic Surgery with Dr. Arthur Perry
You've found the longest running plastic surgery podcast in the USA! New York plastic surgeon Dr. Arthur Perry brings 3 decades of surgical experience to educate and entertain. Informative and a little off-beat, "Straight Talk about Cosmetic Surgery" has been a mainstay of New York radio since 2005. Listen and learn about American's favorite topic - no…not baseball…not sex…but cosmetic surgery and your appearance.
Straight Talk about Cosmetic Surgery with Dr. Arthur Perry
Ozempic Face. WOR show 2/24/24
We are in a new world with effective weight loss drugs. Ozempic is the most well-known of these drugs. The weight loss is so rapid that skin doesn't have a chance to shrink and so it just hangs. Plastic surgeons have come up with a series of procedures designed to repair the Post Ozempic appearance of the face, breasts, and the abdomen.