Straight Talk about Cosmetic Surgery with Dr. Arthur Perry

Harrison Ford and Jason Sega's Moles! WOR show 12/28/24

Arthur W Perry MD Season 19 Episode 52

I love the Apple TV show "Shrinking".  But take a look at the characters - Harrison Ford has a terrible chin scar with a mole or "dog ear" at the end.  Jason Segal has an unattractive mole on his right marionette line.  Jessica Williams has an ugly mole on her left upper lip, Lukita Maxwell as a large mole on her right cheek, Brett Goldstein has a huge mole on his left neck, and Kenajuan Bentley has a group of skin tags and keratoses on his right cheek!  What is going on here?  There's nothing attractive about moles.  Can someone let the cast know that I can remove those unsightly things in less than an hour!  On this show, we discuss mole removal,  Tune in!

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